Python Programming

Beginner Course

You will learn to code, build project one by one with Python. After 20 hours, you will become excellent in python even if you have no any programming experience.

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Course Details

Course Duration : 20 Hours

Course Style : Offline

Language : Cantonese

Course Tests : 4 Times

Post-Course Support : WhatsApp Discussion Group

After you successfully finish the complete course and pass all tests, we will grant you a graduation certificate

Course Syllabus

1. Introduction to Python

- What Python can do ?

- Why We need Python ?

- How to install Python ?

2. Python Syntax

- Python Indentation

- Python Variables

- Python Comments

3. Python Data Type

- Built-in Data Type (str, int, float, complex, list, tuple, range, dict, set, frozenset, bool, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, Nonetype)

- Get & Set Data Type

- String : Assign String to a Variable

4. Python Lists

- Access List Items

- Change List Items

- Add List Items

- Remove List Items

- Loop List

- Sort List

- Join List

- List Methods

5. If Statement

- Python Conditions and If statements

- Elif

- Else

- Short Hand If

- Short Hand If ... Else

6. While Loop

- While Loops Structure

- The break Statement

- The continue Statement

- The else Statement

7. For Loop

- Looping Through a String

- The break Statement

- The continue Statement

- The range() Function

- Else in For Loop

- The pass Statement

8. Functions

- Create a Function

- Call a Function

- Arguments

9. Classes and Objects

- Create a Class

- Create Object

- The __init__() Function

- The __str__() Function

- Object Methods

- Modify Object Properties

- Delete Object Properties

10. Numpy

- Import NumPy

Create a NumPy ndarray Object

Searching Arrays

Sorting Arrays

Sorting Arrays

Filtering Arrays

- Creating the Filter Array

11. Pandas

- Installation of Pandas

- Pandas DataFrames

- Pandas Read CSV

- Pandas Read JSON

- Data Cleaning

- Pandas - Data Correlations

- Scatter Plot

- Histogram

Start to upgrade yourself with Python now